J.A.M. Holdings

Let us help you grow.

Phsychosocial Rehabilitation

Psychosocial rehabilitation is a treatment approach designed to help improve the lives of people with mental illness.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is the treatment of multiple patients at once by one or more healthcare providers.

Music Therapy

When dealing with a mental health disorder, music therapy can help with communication and expression, help one to explore thoughts and feelings, improve one’s mood and concentration and develop coping skills.

Substance Abuse Counceling

Substance abuse counselors provide expert care and support to people who struggle with a variety of mental health disorders related to a dependence on drugs and alcohol.

Therapy session

About Us

J.A.M. USA is steadfast in supporting mental health within South Florida communities. With a vast amount of offerings ranging from group thereapy to music and and art therapy, we look for innovative ways to help families move beyond recovery but thrive. We have a team of professional counselors that are dedicated to the helath of our youth and adult clients.

J.A.M. USA understaands the need for mental health programs within communities and will continue to strive to provide the best service to our clients.

Office Hours

Monday -Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm EST

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Contact Info

4000 Hollywood Blvd 555-S
Hollywood, Fl 33021

Copyright ©2025 J.A.M. Holdings USA, LLC. All Rights Reserved.